Log: The Comma Directory

23.08.2024 // Projecting Log Entries

Bogotá, Colombia

Comma Directory tries to set up a way to separate the facts, from the interpretation of the facts. The idea is to build up a set of log entries, that over time can be projected to build an interpretation of a novel idea or concept.

Originally inspired from event-sourced programming, this idea also has a certain resemblance to zettelkasten as well. In zettelkasten, you have build up a set of atomic notes, that you then combine to build up a novel idea.

A set of views projected to create an interpretation
Fig 1. Log entries projected to build an interpretation.

This process allows us to solidify our understanding of our own thoughts and make sure the ideas are grounded on a solid foundation. And if we get it wrong, we are able to reinterpret the information, without losing the raw source.

- Marc

23.08.2024 // The Comma Directory Concepts Design

Bogotá, Colombia

Today Andrea and I designed the Concepts page. Looking around at other personal wikis, our shared sentiment was that there is a lot of amazing content, but that it can be hard to navigate because of the overwhelming amount of content, served in a rather flat layout.

By using a hierarchical structure, we are able to better break it down into sub-categories that are easier to navigate. The top has:

And under them there is a subcategory and finally the topic. Each log entry uses a tag underneath, so we are still able to display the same log entry in multiple topics, if necessary.

To design the layout, Andrea and I started to look for inspiration. I am rather infatuated by the old lisp machines, and especially the Genera Symbolics lisp.

Old image of a Lisp Machine, portrait aspect ratio
Fig 1. Symbolics LM-2 Processing System. Source.

I love the portrait aspect ratio and the black and white look. So I wanted the design to make an homage to its beauty.

Searching for its design elements, we came across this.

Symbolics OS Documentation with three sections
Fig 2. Symbolics Computer Documentation. Source.

Andrea and I both find it beautiful. If you head over to the Concepts section, you can find how that served as inspiration to make the design. We are very happy with the result.

- Marc

19.08.2024 // The Comma Directory Structure

Bogotá, Colombia

Design sketches of comma.directory. 3 boxes that describe the different layouts
Fig 1. Design sketch of comma.directory layout

Further crystallized the design of the webpage.

Comma.directory will be built up by composing together many small log entries. Each log entry contains observations, events, and thoughts that we label. Over time, these log entries build up a directory of concepts, which we categorize for easier navigation.

When entering the page of a concept through the directory, the log entries that led up to the idea would show up and and if the idea feels more fully explored, it might also contain a summary or conclusion.

- Marc